A Guide For American Christians In Presidential Election Years

Categories Blog, Preaching, Trail Mix - Ministry

It happens every time.  I love the freedom I enjoy in the United States of America to participate in the process of electing our President and other governmental representatives, but I hate what it usually brings out in people as we head toward the day when we cast our votes.

Too often during this time, Christians also get caught up in the slinging of mud and other childish behaviors that are often a part of the election year.  So as a “CSA,” or “Christian Service Announcement,” I offer the following guidelines and reminders.

1. Presidential elections never give Christians an excuse to behave in an unchristian way.

“Politics” is not the area of life in which you are given a “pass” to ignore God’s principles and commands for how we are to treat other people.  If you are mean, judgmental and a hot head about a political opponent or topic, you’re still being mean, judgmental and a hot head.  It’s not “okay” to do, just because it’s about politics.

We honor and respect our governmental authorities but we ultimately serve a Higher King, anyway – so we all could probably calm down a bit.  Of course the issues are important, but so is how we address them:  We are followers of Christ, first and foremost.

2. People in other Political Parties are not your enemy.

The same people who, before the election season, you were praying for and trying to share the love of Christ with in your community are…well, the same people.

They may see things differently than you in all things political, but you should still love them as Christ loves them.  Stop thinking of them as “the bad guys.”

There are people with a different political perspective than you who are also followers of Jesus and who are most likely worshiping with you every weekend.

3. Ephesians 4:29, James 3:9-10 and a gazillion other verses of Scripture are not nullified in an election year.

Here they are, in case they don’t readily come to mind:

Ephesians 4:29  “No foul language should come from your mouth, but only what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear.” — Ephesians 4:29 (CSB)

James 3:9-10 “With the tongue we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in God’s likeness. Blessing and cursing come out of the same mouth. My brothers and sisters, these things should not be this way.” — James 3:9-10 (CSB)

Need to defend the truth, you say?  Fine.  A debate on the issues is necessary, you say? Cool. Just stay respectful, courteous and calm as you do so.  How you speak is often as important as what you’re speaking.

Seriously, be careful how you communicate and defend the truth. There’s no need to bring dishonor to the name of Christ by the way you defend Him and certainly no need to do so when defending your political viewpoint.

4. You do not have a license to spread rumors during an election year.

View political rumors on Facebook, Twitter and other sites as you would the headlines in the Supermarket checkout line.  Always check the source of the story and do not draw wild conclusions based on a random statement you heard was made in a speech to the Lion’s Club or a Barbecue somewhere.

There’s this little thing addressed in Scripture that’s like a million termites in the wall.  It’s called, “gossip,” and it’s a pain.  It’s also wrong and can cause great harm.

“My grandmother and her dog would be dead if [insert candidate’s name here] had his way!  He[or she] hates America!” is the kind of line that most likely has very little, if any truth in it.  Don’t pass it along to someone else.

Chew on these verses, instead:

Proverbs 16:28 “A contrary person spreads conflict,
and a gossip separates close friends.” — (CSB)

Proverbs 26:20 “Without wood, fire goes out;
without a gossip, conflict dies down.” — (CSB)

That last one might need to soak in for a minute.  But here’s one more:

Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” — (CSB)

Again, we should be very thankful for the freedoms we enjoy in the United States of America to participate in the process.  Let’s commit to doing so in a God honoring way – wherever and “whenever” we are.

A Guide For American Christians In Presidential Election Years

 Johnny Leckie is a Christ Follower, Husband to Leona, and Father to MatthewMelissa & Michael. He is also a Church Planting Pastor, Musician, Artist, & Blogger. He’s a big fan of Coffee & Bacon and is currently planting a Church in Aurora, Colorado called Compass Church.  He is the founder of MinistryBackpack.com.

Banner Photo by Samuel Branch on Unsplash

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